Friday, November 6, 2009

Fiction Friday Farm

It was early morning the sun was just peeking over the hills. The rooster took it upon himself, like every morning to wake the world. The world wasn't ready to wake up, the rooseter thought he heard a moan. He didn't want to upset everyone so he decided that by tomorrow he would fix the problem and make morning come a little later. He flew up to Mrs. Farmer's window, she was in a peaceful rest. At closer look he noticed she was wearing and eye mask and ear plugs. When Mrs. Farmer woke up a few hours later Rooster flew into her room and took her eye mask and ear plugs. When night fell and evening chores were done Rooster settled into bed and pulled on the eye mask. He didn't know what to do with the ear plugs so he held them in his beak. Early the next morning as the sun was coming over the hills the world remained silent. It stayed that way all day. Late afternoon Rooster peered out from under the eye mask, he was in an old shoe box in a hole and heard Mrs. Farmer say, " What is that silly dead bird doing wearing my eye mask and eating my ear plugs that he must have choked and died.

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